Thursday, May 5, 2011

Changes in life

Changes happen for good. Changes should come in life. Changes of lifestyle, changes of taste and changes of thinking sometime make our life more interesting and enjoyable. I felt this change when I came t Kolkata. The environment, the gatherings and the different fresh air of kolkata automatically gave me an another vive of life. This vive may be positive or negative. I don't know, but I think the feeling of this vive was very much necessary at that time.
Actually, I have experienced a lot when I came at kolkata. I think something happened which I never felt before or even never thought before.
These changes happened to me because there was so many good persons, you can say variety of persons arounding me. I will tell about them in my next blog.

Faltu Dreams

I love to see dream. I like to feel dream. I want to live dream. Dream is the world where I can do what I want. Dream is the canvas where I can draw what I think. Dream is the blank space where I can write the world’s best poem. I don’t know what other feels or how they dream about dream, but for me dream is a part of my day to day life. Actually dream has become my lonely friend who can fill my emptiness with its full of thoughts. May be these thoughts are totally unnatural, may be they never exist, and may be it can never be possible, but this unconscious visibility gives me more satisfaction. 
Don’t know why, but at a certain point I become helpless without my dreams. I dream about my dream house. I dream about the decoration of it. I dream the color of the curtain of my house. I see the golden fish of my aquarium. Sounds crazy no? When I try to get sleep, especially a sound sleep, I always thought of my dream house. My dream house gives me so relief that my eyes feel to see it more and the time runs.
 So much non realistic no? I want to make this no realistic things very much real. i have a dream of a car with chocolate color. After my marriage every Saturday I will drive my mom and dad where ever they want. The whole evening I will spent with them. Actually, even now I want to spend a quality time with them. Because when children becomes older our parents thought that they are going far from them. I never want them to feel like that for me. I love them so much. 
Yes obviously the Sunday evening will be for my loved one. These are my dreams. oops I forget the gym. I used to see my home gym in my dream. Now you people can make a huge laugh.Ha ha ha. But really it is there. As I already said, I can't go without my dreams, so the list might never finished. So enough now. But how can  stop myself...hhmmm.